A domain name is the name of your website address, usually something like this (http://www.yourpreferreddomainname.com), this Domain could also be a customized domain depending on the country you live in or how you want it to be, for E.g. most Nigerian domain names ends with .ng, which is short for Nigeria. There are lots of web hosting companies providing the domain name service.
In most cases, we help our customers get a domain Name for free depending on the number of websites they want. We buy Domains and design for our customers.
Simply contact us and make a request that you need a domain name for your website; that is if you have never had one. We also do domain Transfer, if you have been hosting your website with another hosting company and you want to transfer the domain to our services, maybe your site has been having issues and you simply need a different web hosting company, we can help you transfer the domain us.