Making an Effective, Winning, Successful, Achieving and Vital Online Advertizing Campaign


  • No matter how big your website, company, or product maybe, if you don’t advertise it, nobody will know about it, and nobody will visit your beautiful website.
  • There is a need for every company, to cost-effectively reach the largest audience possible and attract new customers.
  • Your competitors are already advertising, and their aim is to be the best in your field of services. It is either you take on them or they take you down.
  • When people search for your kind of business or services online, would they find you? If no, you need an advert because it increases and promotes your online presence. It could catapult your business and services to top-ranking pages on search engines.
  • Potential customers are already searching the Web 24/7
  • Online Advert, if properly done can be more profitable than employing any number of influential marketers.
  • If you are not making new clients/customers on a daily basis, it means that your business is not growing.

So, how do you go about making a successful online advertising campaign?

Take the following steps:


To have an effective online campaign, a lot needs to be done and therefore, there is a need for the advertiser to decide who manages the campaign. If the campaign requires multiple platforms, it is recommended that the company set aside a campaign management team otherwise a CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION is considered.
This is what AMTEL will do if advertising for you:

  • Setup and update all your social media networks to suit your brand
  • Create standard business pages on social media for your business
  • Suggest what your company can do on a daily basis regarding your advert, promotion, updating, and posting, including what content should be posted.
  • Create a landing page to give a first impression on first-time visitors to your website
  • Ad up and invite people to like your social media pages
  • Help in sharing the website link on social media
  • Submit your website for indexing and linking back
  • Submit your company’s details and services to online directories


  • Set how many new customers can your ads attract in a day
  • Set how many people you want to have visited your website in a day
  • Set how many pages you want to have. The larger your audience, the more competitive edge you have on your adverts because when you post new content, it could reach a large number of people
  • Set what you expect as the total outcome on your campaign in a span of one month, two months, or more than
  • Set the impression you want to give to your new customers
  • Set the brand name you want to establish
  • Set what you want your campaign to accomplish
  • Etc.


Before stepping on, weigh the amount the company is willing to dedicate to the advert. The fundamental reality is that “YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY”. Successful advertising may definitely cost some money, but that is because it works.

You may consider the following:

  • How much would be spent in a day, month, quarterly, and so on.
  • Facebook, Google, Bing or Yahoo, etc. provide a pay per click service (PPC), payable in US dollars. Decide how much in dollars you want to spend on these platforms daily.
  • Decide who manages the cash for the campaign; your company or the external organization managing the campaign.


Every advertising campaign should be geared towards your niche market. Making sure your ads speak the minds of the customers you want to attract is an important step to be considered. Try to be specific as to who you are advertising to.
To identify your target audience, ask yourself, colleagues, employees, and anyone who knows about your company or business the following questions, and put the answers down on a list:

  • Who is our target audience?
  • What is their motivation?
  • How do they like been communicated to?
  • What websites do they visit?
  • What social media networks do they use?
  • What kinds of devices do they use?
  • What are their interests and what differences do they have on business relations?


Important point: The more diversified your adverts, the better your chances of winning the game. Spread your campaign as wide as possible across different mediums.


  1. Google AdWords: Google helps you advertise in two importantly different ways: 1. Text ads, 2. Image ads. The most effective among these two choices depend on the greatness of your campaign Idea. The most recommended form of payment for google services is pay per click (PPC).
  2. Yahoo or Bing: They provide the same services as google but in a slightly different way. Bing/Yahoo is the second largest search engine in the world. Most people neglect it without even noticing the fact that yahoo aged google and that 45% of the people are using yahoo / Bing services.


  1. Facebook: This provides image and graphic adverts with specific targeted audience filtered by Age and interest. Facebook also provides a means for creating business pages that highlight the activities of your company. Best, options are available to increase page likes and creating more following. The advantage of this is that the more audience you are able to have the wider the spread of your message and advert.
  2. Twitter: Twitter provide a great way of reaching a wide number of potential customers and organizations on a broad scale. An engaging twitter page attracts more followers and your updates can be re-twitted to thousands in a span of minutes.
  3. Google Plus: The google plus platform is a great way of integrating and interacting with all google services, it helps to easily optimize your updated content to the google search engine without you having to do a lot with search engine optimization. Since this is a Google service, there is a great advantage as to creating highly optimized business pages that are indexed automatically.

Another advantage of using social media networks is that they are already optimized due to the number of updates and content going on, on daily basis.


Keywords, content on your website, interactivity, flexibility, accessibility, exceptional delivery, and quality assurance are the most important tools for a successful advertising campaign. It is recommended that these tools are carefully researched and implemented before setting up a campaign.

Another important aspect of your campaign success lies with the first impression you give new visitors to your website. Does it take 5 minutes for a new visitor to realize what your company is into? If yes then, something is wrong. Make your new visitors know exactly what your company is into at their first glance or they might leave and never return.


The first impression can make or break the deal!


  • As part of your strategy, highlight your competitive advantage by making your target customers see and feel the impact and edge you have over your competitors and why you should be preferred.
  • Incorporate your identity into your advert. Be known for your genuine difference in every message you send out to your potential customers.
  • Test your ad message with others. Do they understand and accept the message you are trying to convey? If not, get more insight on how you could effectively communicate your message.
  • If your campaign is an image or graphic, make it attractive, sensible enough to capture the mind of your target audience. Make image presentation as unique as possible.
  • Let the message be short, catchy and if possible, let it speak the minds of your targeted customers and romantic.


As your campaign begins to widen and more people are reached on a daily basis, there is a need for new suggestions, monitoring, answering, improving, and attending to your new customers. It is important to identify the mediums through which your campaign is making a successful outcome, for such is the strength of it all.
A google analytic account is set up to monitor all the activities of the website tracking the following information:

  • Who visits your site?
  • From which part of the world and which country including the city
  • What device do they use?
  • How long do they stay on your page?
  • Which and which pages do they visit
  • Which platform they used to get to your website
  • The total number of page views/visits in a day, month, etc.
  • Ability to export this report on excel sheet etc.


Sometimes, it pays to go wider than the specified methods above and this is where the followings come in handy: Magazine, Radio station, Television Programs, Billboards, Affiliates Programs, Online Banners, Branding (Logo, Letterheads, Complimentary cards, Flyers, coloring, digital imaging), Bulk SMS (The easiest yet most effective, cheapest, fastest means of reaching millions of people in minutes), Email marketing, Hand Bills, and Backlinks services, etc.


It takes only one who understands the importance of advertising to dare it. In some cases, why most campaigns fail is not a lack of brilliant ideas behind it but the commitment towards upgrading and managing it. There is a need to take absolute control of your campaign and make sure it works for you.


This document has carefully been researched, with all the necessary online consultations.
For more information, contact us.